Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Uploading a video after editing in Final Cut Pro

After editing the video in Final Cut Pro, in order to upload the video onto our blog I had to compress it.

Firstly I marked the in-point and outpoint of the sequence which is where it begins and ends.

To do this you click 'I' at the beginning and 'O' at the ending.

You then have to export the video as a Quick Time Movie.
To do this you press file, export, Quick Time Movie… as soon below.
This video is now turned into a movie file.

Next you compress the movie in a program called HandBrake, which is located on the dock.

Once HandBrake is opened you then have to upload the movie by clicking the source button on the upper left hand corner. 

After you have chosen the movie to compress and have uploaded it, on the sidebar choose blogger, which turns it into a smaller file.

Then press the start button for the video to start compressing.
After the video has finished compressing, it turns from a mov file to m4v file, which you can then upload onto the blog.

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