Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Sound in the making of the Breakfast CLub remake

In the video 'The making of the Breakfast Club remake' we have used a song that is played all the way through the video. In order to upload this song we used creative commons. This is a website that allows you to use copy right free music, because copyright is illegal and you can get charged. So creative commons is an interesting and free way for you to use music.
First you have to search for a song that you would like to play, type the name of the song or an artists name into the search bar. For our video we typed in Beyonce.

You have to make sure that you search through SoundCloud, so that you can choose a song from there.

A list of songs will come up on the website, which you then have to choose a song from, that yo want to use. 

The song that we chose was summertime by Beyonce.
After you have chosen the song,you have to press the download button, and download the song onto your desktop.

Your song will then be available to use, meaning that you can drag it onto the video and then your DONE!

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