Thursday, 27 February 2014

Lunapic: How to!

I used a website called Lunapic to record the interview I did about our teen film opening sequence Adults. It was a lengthy process and I found that Lunapic can be quite hard and long to use. This is how I used it.

Firstly, I had to search in google for 'white' as I wanted just a blank canvas. As Lunapic is meant for editting pictures of people, things etc and not just for text, they do not have a blank page option. So this is the only way I could do it.

I then had to browse through my laptop for the image. It was easy to find. I then had to upload that to Lunapic. After I uploaded it, I had the option to resize it, crop it, scale it etc.

Because I wanted to add text, I pressed 'Add Text'. From here, it got slightly tricky. It now took you to customise how big you wanted your text and the font and colour etc of your text. 

There were many different options for the text colour and fontwise.

You then selected the text and colours you wanted and being to apply to text. With lunapic, you can only insert one sentence at a time, which can be frustrating. Especially if you are writing paragraphs (this is not the correct media to be writing paragraphs on), it will take so long because you have to write the text, place the text on the page and then apply the text and repeat. 

You type your text into the textbar. You can change the options of the text. Underneath all the text options is the picture that is being editted. For example purposes, I just used the screenshot I took earlier.

You then can see the preview of how the text will look on the page.

You can change where the text is placed, the font, the colour etc. until you are happy with it.

When you are happy with it, and only when you are happy with it, press 'apply text'. I say only when you are happy with it because the undo process is so long, it will basically undo everything that you have done and take you back to the blank page, so press apply text only when you are sure. Because it's long to go back.

After that the text has permanently been placed on your picture, of course, unless you undo. The text becomes a lot smoother when apply text has been pressed.

You are now able to insert and edit your next line of text, and repeat the process.

In case things are still unclear, below is a tutorial of how to use it:

Hope this helped.

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