A teen film is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers. So does that mean our audience would only be teenagers? People aged 13-17?
Usually, the target audience for teen films would be teenagers. The sub-genre, however, can change the target age for example, if it was teen drama, that usually narrows it down to teens however if it was teen comedy, that usually broadens the audience as people can still find something, whether it is targeted at teens or not. This is what our media product is.
Yes, our audience for our media product would include teenagers. This is because our storyline appeals to teenagers and cover relatable issues. Such as, the topic of 'rebellion' through the character of the criminal, who rebels against society while committing all his crimes (Marcus). The topic of 'coming of age' through 'the Jock' (Tommy) who sleeps around a lot and is sexually active. The idea of 'Alienation' is covered by the nerd (Edward), as he is the only one who has such a passion for school, and he is misunderstood, as noone can understand why. In addition, the idea of glamour and beauty is covered by The Princess (Amy).
Our media product is not gender specific and both genders will be able to watch it and enjoy. This is because of the comedy within the product, everyone will find it funny. And because there are elements that both genders will enjoy, for example, the sports and especially the character of the Jock for the males, and females can relate to the character of the princess, because she is into fashion and beauty.
Our media product is not area specific, most people go to school/college worldwide, and although schools everywhere differ, they will still find it comedic.
In addition to teenagers being the audience, some adults aged 20-50 may be the audience for our media project. This is because they may be accompanying their teenage friends/children/relatives when going to see our media project. To add to that, adults may watch this simply because they want to laugh, as although it is relatable to teens, it's not necessary that you have to be a teenager to watch and understand it. Our media project may also be a reminder to adults of the childhood they had, or their school years.
Pre-teens, people aged 10-12, may also be the target audience for our media product as there's not much strong language, scenes of nudity or violence that will stop them from watching it. Pre-teens may be interested in our media product because they may be curious of what teenage life is like, as it soon approaching for them.
This is 'Ian Beale' a character from a soap opera called 'Eastenders'. He would be the audience for this film because his children were watching it or because he wanted to reminisce on the times he was young. He is middle aged, around 40's/50's. He works multiple jobs and has children.
This is a character from Kidulthood. He would be the audience for our media product as he falls into the typical age range for teen films, eg, around 17 and because he is a student in school himself. In the film aswell, he was also involved in crime, so he could identify strongly with the character of the criminal.
This is 'Tiffany', a character from 'Eastenders'. She would be the audience for our film because she is a pre-teen, around 11 and is starting to grow out of children's cartoons etc and starts to wonder what college life is like.
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